(NOx, HCl, HF)

RED Solutions has a robust engineering bacground successfully mitigating SOx, NOx, HCl, HF with our product lines of Circulating Dry Scrubber (CDS), Dry Sorbent Injection (DSI) technologies.

Whether you require efficiency improvements between 30-50% or aspire to achieve up to 99% removal efficiency, RED Solutions boasts a committed and well-informed team of experts. You can rely on us to deliver the optimal and cost-effective solution tailored to your specific needs.

Particulate Matter Collection
-Fabric Filter
-REDs Type Flat Bag Filter

Optimal filter performance requires proper gasflow and dust distribution on the filtration are. Fabric Filters are especially sensitive to uneven flow, as premature bag wear immediately increases particle emissions. In addition, upgrading existing installations has equipment, so proper flow disttribution becomes critical in maximizing overall fabric filter performance. Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD) modelling of the gas flow is becoming a valuable tool in designing, testing and comparing different solutions.As RED Solutions, we design and analyze our designs in accordance with all kinds of processes to ensure efficient filtration and long bag life.


We offer a unique solution with reactors and transport systems specially designed for each process. Each flow scenario is analyzed to ensure a homogeneous combination of reactants and waste gas and to reduce the waste gas to the desired emission value. The automation system works in an integrated manner according to process variables.